
National strike action on 24 February 2021.

The strike action calls for a mass stay away of workers. [Read More…]

Mark - 10:44 @ common, Industrial Relations, Human Resources, B-BBEE | Add a comment


TERS has been extended, but not for everyone.

TERS applications can be made for the period between 16 October 2020 to 15 March 2021, but only for some sectors. [Read More…]

Mark - 12:49 | Add a comment


New earnings threshold: R211 596.30 per annum

The Minister of Employment and Labour has determined that all employees earning in excess of R211 596.30 per annum (R17 633.02 per month) are excluded from the following sections of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, as of 01 March 2021:

- Section 9: Ordinary hours of work;
- Section 10: Overtime;
- Section 11: Compressed working week;
- Section 12: Average of hours of work;
- Section 14: Meal intervals;
- Section 15: Daily and weekly rest period;
- Section 16: Pay for work on Sundays;
- Section 17(2): Transport and night shift allowances;
- Section 18(3): Pay for public holidays where the employee works on a day he/she would not ordinarily work 

Employees who earn in excess of R211 596.30 per annum are excluded from the above provisions

Employees earning under the threshold are required to receive the provisions of those sections. [Read More…]

Mark - 12:34 @ common, Industrial Relations, Human Resources, B-BBEE | Add a comment


Minimum Wage increase from 01 March 2021: R21.69 per hour.

The new National Minimum wage from 01 March 2021 is:

- R21.69 for each ordinary hour. [Read More…]

Mark - 12:24 @ common, Industrial Relations, Human Resources, B-BBEE | Add a comment


Can employers require employees to be vaccinated and tested for COVID-19?

The first shipment of COVID-19 vaccinations has arrived.  The president stressed that no person will be forced to take the vaccine. [Read More…]

Mark - 10:08 @ common, Industrial Relations, Human Resources, B-BBEE | 1 comment