
Psychometric Tests do not need HPCSA approval.

Under the Employment Equity Act Psychometric tests have to be valid and reasonable, fairly applied and unbiased, and currently the test must be certified by the Health Professions Council of South Africa.

The new Employment Equity Amendment Bill will remove the requirement of approval from the HPCSA.

Currently disputes about Psychometric tests go to the Labour Court as a discrimination dispute.  Under the Bill, this will continue to be the case.

It is probably safer to use tests that have previously had the right certificate, and Psychometrists who are certified, accredited with a history.

This affects both designated and non-designated employers.

Do not forget: The Employment Equity Submissions deadline is 01 October 2020.  Those clients with onsite Human Resources or BBBEE Services, already have their consultants busy with the reports.  If anybody needs assistance with Employment Equity and Skills Development, please let me know.

Mark - 14:18 @ common, Industrial Relations, Human Resources, B-BBEE | Add a comment
