Outsourcing the Brentwood way
Human Resources and Industrial Relations are vital and complex functions that need specialised professional expertise. Important as these functions are, they are peripheral to your core business and time spent by line managers on these functions take them away from their main functions. They are also operating outside their area of expertise, increasing your risk of costly mistakes.
At Brentwood, these functions are our core business and field of expertise. We are able to handle the full range of Human Resources and Industrial Relations functions at specialist level, with extensive supporting expertise, all at competitive rates.
The Brentwood approach is more cost effective and provides a more professional, comprehensive and flexible service and has the following advantages:
- It relieves management of most time consuming personnel problems, giving them more time to concentrate on their prime function;
- The peace of mind to know that Human Resource issues are being handled properly, reducing your exposure to adverse CCMA and Bargaining Council decisions as well as other legal and financial implications. Our Consultants are all up to date with the latest amendments to Labour Legislation, trends and practice in the industry as they have a wide exposure;
- Your Consultant acts as your contact point for any unions, the Labour Department on Employment Equity and the SETA in your industry for Skills Development.
- We ensure compliance with Labour Legislation without impacting negatively on management’s time and resources;
- Representation at Conciliation hearings as part of the package;
- There are no employee benefits to be provided for your HR department, no long-term commitment inherent in an employee/employer relationship and you can avoid any negative implications of the Labour Relations Act;
- Our training is conducted in-house by Brentwood for all consultants on a monthly basis;
- Your Consultant is an objective third party, not being involved in internal wrangling and can offer objective and purely company orientated advice.
- Your Consultant has the assistance and legal advice of more senior consultants on tap, as do our Clients.
Our Consultants have an ideal balance of qualification and experience to ensure high quality, yet practical, down to earth support and assistance to managers in both large and small companies. Our forte is providing practical professional help and guidance as opposed to dispensing esoteric pronouncements.
While we have one of the largest teams of Consultants in South Africa, we will be the first to admit that quality and service are more important than size. But size does mean that we are in a better position to provide effective back-up and specialised skills, particulary in emergencies.